So I started to investigate what Mac OS X's Folder Actions was.
It's action based on happenings in a specified folder. You apply a script to it and it does the rest.
I'm having this script attached to a folder i call SEEN which I put all the watched episodes in when I'm done.
The script:
So when I'm done watching an episode, I put it in my SEEN folder and a questions popups asking me if I want to empty the file. I click OK and voila, the file is 0 bytes.
The script:
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items set dialogResult to display dialog "Empty content of file(s)? No way to undo!" if button returned of dialogResult is "OK" then repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items set this_item to item i of these_items do shell script ("cat /dev/null > " & quoted form of POSIX path of this_item) end repeat display dialog "Done." end if end adding folder items to
So when I'm done watching an episode, I put it in my SEEN folder and a questions popups asking me if I want to empty the file. I click OK and voila, the file is 0 bytes.