söndag, september 13, 2009

Connected USB device stop working?

My self, I'm having a Bluetooth dongle that's connected to my cellphone all the time when I'm at home... for that I need to turn of the power saving mode in Windows XP. Here is how  you do it!

  1. In Windows, click on Start > Control Panel (or Start > Settings > Control Panel).
  2. Double-click on System, then open the Hardware tab.
  3. Click Device Manager.
  4. Click the + at Universal Serial Bus Controllers.
  5. Right-click USB Root Hub and select Properties.
  6. Open the Power Management tab.
  7. Clear the checkmark from "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power".
  8. Click OK.
  9. Repeat this procedure for all the USB Root Hub entries you wish.

Source: http://www.himsa.com/Support/NOAHlinkKnowledgebase/Howto/turnoffaUSBportspowersaveoption/tabid/492/language/en-US/default.aspx

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